Monday, 2 May 2016

(1) Hawk Moth

Hiya xx
 Welcome to this theory blog post on Hawk Moth.
So this is what really inspired me to start this blog, all my theories on Hawk Moth.
Okay so let's go into my theories.

I believe that Hawk Moth is Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father. 
I first started to think this when I noticed Hawk Moth had similar facial structure to Gabriel and the same eyes and eye colour. 

I then continued to notice that in the episode: Origins; Part 1 that Hawk Moth, before he transformed, had a silver wedding ring on his finger.
I then looked to the episode, Simon Says as I know that Gabriel has a featured role in this and I found the same ring on Gabriel Agreste!
It is the exact same ring on the exact same finger!

The final giveaway to the identity of Hawk Moth was again in Origins part 1, at the beginning when Hawk Moth opened a locket with Adrien's mother in it!
If this didn't give it away then I am not sure 
what will.  

Okay so this is the theory that is almost a guess, even though based on facts. I have not heard anybody else say anything like this, so I am quite proud of this theory :) , even if it is terrible.

Okay so I think I first saw it in the episode Princess Fragrance but I have seen it in other episodes too.

When I first saw this I LITERALLY SCREAMED. 

And I know the roof isn't rounded but, it could have another 'roof' underneath the actual roof. 
I have realized that this is probably not the place as the window is different, but it was
a massive revelation
to me.

Okay thanks for reading this post! x

Bug out! x

-Omg Season 2 is not out for ages help me-


  1. this is so good! Literally what I was thinking

  2. I thought Adrien's dad was Hawk-Moth too. When I saw the window think I screamed too!

  3. what about the school for Hawk moth's lair? In Season 1 episode 2 ''Mr.Pigeon'' you get a few of the school straight after the intro. Plus the ceiling is domed... Also the school is right within walking distance from Adrian's house...
