Hiya xx So I am dying for season 2 to come out! Literally OMGFCDHBSX. So they have not come out with a premier date for season 2, however, they started to write the script on December 10th 2015.
And recently on May 2nd 2016 the storyboard stage of production began! I got so excited when I heard this! I don't even have any idea what it means but it sound promising :).
Anyway I am really hoping that season 2 will be out by this summer.
Sorry this was really short, p.s. posts from now on won't just be theories x
Hiya xx So this is more of a fan fic type thing But this is my theory on what will happen so.. :D
-Quick note-
Do you guys like my new header? I was really proud of it :D x
So I think that it will be in season 3 or season 2 finale. I think it could be in season 2, because if they were clever they could base the whole of season 3 on it. But.. they could just do it where they both see each other and it's a short love story. So what I think it starts of with is a dilemma between Adrien and his dad, or Chat Noir and Ladybug which leaves him feeling like Plagg is ruining his life. In rage Adrien takes his ring off and Hawkmoth senses he is angry and sends an Akuma into a picture of his dad/Ladybug he is holding. He then becomes Akumatised as Chat Noir and is made to team up with Hawk Moth (who yes, appears in person, drama be going down in this episode) to support the destruction of Ladybug. Stuff goes down and there is a massive fight, they weaken Ladybug so she can no longer fight back and lead her up to the Eiffel tower. The Akumatised Chat Noir pushes Ladybug off the Eiffel tower where she falls to the floor. Hawk Moth then transforms Adrien back to the normal, confused Chat Noir where he finds out he pushed Ladybug -his true love- off an extremely tall building causing him to be extremely upset and just self-hating. This is all part of Hawk Moth's plan because if Ladybug's half dead and Chat Noir is broken then they are very vulnerable. Chat Noir rushes down to Ladybug and Hawk Moth follows them and almost takes their miraculous but something intercept with him -that you can find out about later in the season. Chat Noir then rushes with Ladybug to a healer where he begins to heal her, her earrings then start to flash and Chat Noir is about to head off when the healer tells him to stay, but he can NEVER show her his identity. He then finds out it is Marinette and he is shocked, Ladybug wakes up as Marinette and realizes Chat Noir knows who she is and freaks out but then accepts it after the reassurance of the healer. Chat Noir and her then leave together and part ways outside. It then kills Adrien inside as he sees Marinette everyday but can't say anything and can't suddenly like her or she would suspect something. So that's it :) I'm sorry if it is terrible, excessive or whatever x. This is just what me and my best friend want to happen :D Bug out! xx -Omg SEASON 2!!!! D': come out now -
So this video literally makes me cry I love it so much!
Go leave it a big thumbs up because it must have taken ages! x
I'll leave the lyrics below x I memorized all of them o_o x
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Feeling used But I’m Still missing you And I can See the end of this Just wanna feel your kiss Against my lips And now all this time Is passing by But I still can’t seem to tell you why It hurts me every time I see you Realize how much I need you
I hate you I love you I hate that I love you Don’t want to, but I can’t put Nobody else above you I hate you I love you I hate that I want you You want her, you need her And I’ll never be her
I miss you when I can’t sleep Or right after coffee Or right when I can’t eat I miss you in my front seat Still got sand in my sweaters From nights we don’t remember Do you miss me like I miss you? Fucked around and got attached to you Friends can break your heart too, and I’m always tired but never of you If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit I put this real out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit I type a text but then I never mind that shit I got these feelings but you never mind that shit Oh oh, keep it on the low You’re still in love with me but your friends don’t know If you wanted me you would just say so And if I were you, I would never let me go I don’t mean no harm I just miss you on my arm Wedding bells were just alarms Caution tape around my heart You ever wonder what we coulda been? You said you wouldn’t and you fucking did Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed Always missing people that I shouldn’t be missing Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance I know that I control my thoughts, and I should stop reminiscing But I learned from my dad that it’s good to have feelings When love and trust are gone I guess this is moving on Everyone I do right does me wrong So every lonely night, I sing this song
I hate you I love you I hate that I love you Don’t want to, but I can’t put Nobody else above you I hate you I love you I hate that I want you You want her, you need her And I’ll never be her
All alone I watch you watch her Like she’s the only girl you’ve ever seen You don’t care u never did You don’t give a damn about me Yeah all alone I watch you watch her She’s the only thing you’ve ever seen How is it you never notice That you are slowly killing me
I hate you I love you I hate that I love you Don’t want to, but I can’t put Nobody else above you I hate you I love you I hate that I want you You want her, you need her And I’ll never be her
So this theory is on Adrien's mum! So Adrien's mum is a bit of a mystery however a bit more is revealed about her throughout season 1. Mrs Agreste has not had a name revealed, but I am hoping it will happen in season 2. So a lot of us have guessed that Mr and Mrs Agreste shared a love story similar to Ladybug and Chat Noir's. Well I did anyway: I guessed that they were partnering super heroes and that Mrs Agreste bared the peacock miraculous and Mr Agreste the Hawkmoth miraculous. This became apparent to me when in the episode Volpina, you can see in Gabriel's 'secret vault' a picture of Adrien's mum and a peacock fan, that resembles the peacock miraculous. However, I then realized in the episode Origins part 1, whoever is Hawk moth *cough cough Gabriel Agreste* , stated he had not yet owned the Hawkmoth miraculous, meaning that he was maybe unapparent to the fact his wife/ Mrs Agreste was a miraculous barer until she had died and then he seeked revenge by using a miraculous to become a super villain. Although it could have been COMPLETELY different. Gabriel could only have a picture of his wife in his 'secret vault' because he loved her and the peacock fan could be a memory of his old life? Hmmm? I mean, Gabriel could have owned the peacock miraculous and been a super hero, but his adventurous lifestyle could of led to his wife being killed, which made him become closed up and stubborn and also very protective of Adrien. He then could have gained possession of the Hawkmoth miraculous as he wanted to seek revenge for his wife's death and he knew being peacock wasn't powerful enough.
Also, Adrien's mother could have been the possessor of the Hawkmoth miraculous and when she died Gabriel wanted to continue his wife's legacy, but he was too angry inside. Just another possibility for you... Anyhow, hope you enjoyed reading this xx Bug out! x -OMG SEASON 2 COME OUT PLEAASSSEEEEEE-
Hiya xx Welcome to this theory blog post on Hawk Moth. So this is what really inspired me to start this blog, all my theories on Hawk Moth. Okay so let's go into my theories.
Who? I believe that Hawk Moth is Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father. I first started to think this when I noticed Hawk Moth had similar facial structure to Gabriel and the same eyes and eye colour. I then continued to notice that in the episode: Origins; Part 1 that Hawk Moth, before he transformed, had a silver wedding ring on his finger. I then looked to the episode, Simon Says as I know that Gabriel has a featured role in this and I found the same ring on Gabriel Agreste! It is the exact same ring on the exact same finger!
The final giveaway to the identity of Hawk Moth was again in Origins part 1, at the beginning when Hawk Moth opened a locket with Adrien's mother in it! If this didn't give it away then I am not sure what will. Where? Okay so this is the theory that is almost a guess, even though based on facts. I have not heard anybody else say anything like this, so I am quite proud of this theory :) , even if it is terrible. Okay so I think I first saw it in the episode Princess Fragrance but I have seen it in other episodes too. When I first saw this I LITERALLY SCREAMED.
And I know the roof isn't rounded but, it could have another 'roof' underneath the actual roof.
I have realized that this is probably not the place as the window is different, but it was a massive revelation to me. Okay thanks for reading this post! x
Bug out! x
-Omg Season 2 is not out for ages help me-
Hiya! X
Welcome to my theories blog. I am not expecting anyone to view this it is just that I had these ideas sitting on the tip of my tongue and I don't have anyone to share it with apart from my best friend, who is also obseessseeddd with Miraculous, and it was really bugging me -pun intended-. I am not wanting you to agree with any of them and I would lurrrve to hear your opinions. Please do not hate because I cannot stress enough that this is just my opinion xx